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3D Models: More than just pretty pictures

February 9th, 2011

3D ModelDesign and vis­ualiza­tion is strong­ly in­flu­enced by the va­riety of three-dim­en­sional mod­el­ing tech­niques available on the market.  From massing models to building information modeling (BIM) to photoreal renderings, 3D is a solid part of the architecture and planning world.  3D models can serve as an excellent design and communication tool but also are endlessly abused, with high-end models covering up for lacking designs.

The key to getting the most out of 3D is to integrate it into the design process and use it to tell a story that traditional techniques can not.  Using massing models at a preliminary stage of the architectural design and urban planning processes is invaluable in describing scale of new buildings in existing context without being distracted by architectural style.  At BartonPartners we use Sketchup as a design tool, creating massing and articulated models to facilitate both the architectural design and planning processes.

3D ModelThe great­est power that a 3D mod­el holds is in its abil­ity to com­muni­cate strong­ly and clear­ly to the pub­lic.  However, realiz­ing a build­ing de­sign in a photo­real model must always be part of the de­sign process in­stead of the end of the design process.  The give and take between designer, modeler, and client is an iterative process which allows ideas, details, and transitions to be understood.

In its fin­al stage, a photo­real 3D mod­el set into ex­ist­ing con­text is a great tool to take to a plan­ning board meet­ing to illus­trate what flat elev­a­tions and plans can’t.  Used in a mar­ket­ing cap­ac­ity, ex­ter­ior models, in­ter­ior models, and 3D floor plans gen­er­ate ex­cite­ment and sell some­thing before it is built.

Let us work with you to use 3D mod­els to ex­plain, get ap­provals, and make a great de­sign soar.